Through a partnership with Temple Christian College, we are happy to provide your family with a pathway into secondary schooling. Temple Christian College has been educating students from all over Adelaide since 1983, providing an authentic Christian community where all students are encouraged to grow in Character, Service and Influence. Temple has a campus at Mile End, Paralowie and a Middle School (Grades 7-9) at Sunrise Christian School Marion.
All students of Sunrise Christian School receive guaranteed entry into middle and senior schooling at Temple Christian College so long as an application has been submitted by Grade 5. With Temple Middle School located at Sunrise Marion, your family can very easily transition from Primary to Middle School with little change to school life and routines.
Sunrise Marion students experience the Middle School curriculum throughout their Upper Primary years, benefitting from Temple staff's unique skillsets across subjects such as art, science, and digital technologies.
Temple Christian College aims to allow your child to develop independent and collaborative learning styles in a supportive, nurturing environment. We seek to foster your child's gifts and talents in a way that prepares them to navigate the challenges and successfully respect life's rewards.
Your family can apply for Middle School using the Sunrise Online Application Form