Sunrise Marion 2025 Fees
Tuition Fee Policy
Fee Schedule

Additional School Fee Information
Sources of Income
Sunrise Christian School is primarily financed by three sources of income:
- Commonwealth Government Grants
- Fees from Parents
- Building Fund Donations
We believe in enabling all families to have a Christian Education if they so desire, therefore we have a Fee Schedule that is a tiered structure that helps those families who are in a low-income bracket.
There are a number of levies that cover aspects of your child’s schooling that are included in your fees and are not charged as extra costs.
These include:
- IT Levy
- Camps and Excursions Levy
- Student Accident Insurance
- Stationery, books, visiting performers and special events
Building Fund Contribution
To provide capital for educational facilities and maintain them at a high standard, we request that parents contribute to the Building Fund on a voluntary basis. This is a significant aspect of our income and it is important to the School that each family contribute each term to this Fund. The suggested contribution is $80 per term per family which is detailed on the Fee Schedule. You are welcome to nominate an alternative amount. Building Fund contributions are tax deductible.
Fee Assistance
In 2014 the Australian Government introduced the Better Schools Plan; this has changed the way in which all schools receive Government funding. As a result of this change, South Australian schools will no longer receive school card funding. To ensure that families on low incomes are not disadvantaged by this change Sunrise has introduced a process for assessing a genuine need for Fee Assistance.
Families wishing to access Fee Assistance are required to provide Proof of Income and documentation stated below.
- 2 recent payslips for each working parent
- ATO Notice of Tax assessment for the previous financial year
- Current Centrelink Income Statement
Multiple Sibling Discount
For families with more than one child enrolled at a metro ACS school, the following sibling discounts apply (to tuition fees only):
- 2nd Child: 20% reduction
- 3rd Child: 30% reduction
- 4th Child: 40% reduction
- 5th and subsequent child: 100% reduction
Fee Reductions
We are passionate about education and we are compassionate to changes in circumstances with families. We understand that things happen and circumstances that are sometimes out of our control change and there may be times that the agreed commitment to school fees is a challenge. Parents who consider they cannot meet the full payment of fees are encouraged to discuss the matter with their Principal. Parents can apply for a fee reduction and the school will negotiate an agreed amount between families to ensure the child continues to remain part of the Sunrise system.
NOTE: Parents are required to notify the Principal in writing when a student intends to leave the school. One full terms written notice is required. Failure to do this will incur a one term's school fees in lieu of notice.